「ほっと石川旅ねっと」:石川県(Ishikawa)観光情報ホームペ-ジ 【石川県観光連盟】

Ishikawa tourist information(Kanazawa Castle/Hakusan/Kenrokuen Garden)

  • ΘKanazawa Castle is a large, partially-restored castle in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. Adjacent to the famous Kenrokuen Garden, which once formed the castle's outer courtyard. The beautiful castle and adjacent gardens are popular tourist attractions in Kanazawa.
    ΘHakusan, which is located on the border of Ishikawa and Gifu, consists of three peaks, and there are seven crater lakes such as Pond Midorigaike and Pond Senjagaike in the area where the eruption occurred.
    ΘKenrokuen Garden, Japanese garden located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. It is a special scenic spot, it is counted as one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan.
  •  The sightseeing information Ishikawa, please click here.

The details of the sightseeing information of Ishikawa .(festivals and events:)