Nagano Tourist Information

ΘNagano is a popular tourist destination famous for its magnificent nature and hot springs.In addition to natural scenery such as Atera Valley, Kirigamine-Kogen, Shinshu-Inakogen Akasobanosato Plateaus, there are parks where you can enjoy the flowers and feel nature throughout the four seasons.In Nagano, you will find many sightseeing spots with beautiful flowers such as autumn leaves,fresh green,cherry blossoms, Asian skunk cabbage ,etc.In addition, we recommend you to enjoy artistic places such as temples, museums or historic spots.

長野県の観光情報 (四季を彩る霧ヶ峰高原、高峰高原)

  • 勇壮な大桑村の阿寺渓谷(Atera Valley)の景観、 四季を彩る霧ヶ峰高原(Kirigamine-Kogen)、信州伊那高原(Shinshu-InakogenAkasobanosato Plateaus)、奥裾花自然園(okususobanashizen'en:水芭蕉)、樹齢約300年の天然林の中をゆったりと走る赤沢森林鉄道(Akazawaforest train)のトロッコ電車の車窓から見る美しい景色など野趣あふれる景観、長野の魅力満載です。
  • 長野県[NAGANO][観光/宿泊情報]【やすらぎの街 長野/TOURIST INFORMATION

©Nagano Tourism Organization

The details of the sightseeing information of Nagano .(festivals and events:)