《秋田県由利本荘市の観光情報》 【Akita tourist information 日本の四季めぐり】

  • 《由利本荘の魅力:自然と癒しの猿倉温泉:ウィンタースポーツ、鳥海高原矢島スキー場》
  • 〇秋田県由利本荘市各地の景観と観光スポットです。
    《○『桜囲の鳥海山』○『大谷地池からの鳥海山』○『初夏の鳥海山』○『厳冬鳥海』○『紅葉と鳥海山』○『鳥海山とローカル線』○『初夏の鳥海山』》(写真提供 由利本荘市観光協会 )
    ○Yurihonjo City is located at latitude 39 north and longitude 140 east, in the southwest of Akita Prefecture. It has a graceful mountain, Mt. Chokai, in the south, and, the western part of the city is on the Japan Sea. You will enjoy a diversity of touristic attractions introducing the nature and long history of the city. With Chokai National Park in the center, the city is full of charm of travelling everywhere, including the panoramic landscapes, hot springs, outdoor activities from season to season, and history exploring.
  •  【The sightseeing information Yurihonjo City, please click here.

The details of the sightseeing information of Yurihonjo City .(festivals and events:)